Agreement Terms 条款及细则

These Terms of Uses (Terms) apply to all clients of Allua Limited (Allua) and/or users of Allua’s service and/or products. By purchasing from Allua and/or using the Services and/or the Products of Allua, you will be deemed to agree to these Terms. If you do not agree to be bounded by these Terms, please do not use the Services and/or Products of Allua Limited.

这篇条款及细则适用于所有Allua Limited产品及服务。从Allua Limited购买产品及服务,或使用Allua Limited的服务代表客户(下称“委托方”)已同意所有条款及细则。

Summary: 概括

We’ll always do our best to fulfill our client’s needs and expectations, but it’s important to have things written down so that we and our client both know what’s what, who should do what and when, and what will happen if something goes wrong. So in short;

客户与Allua Limited(地址:香港中环域多利皇后街15号裕成商业大厦401室)双方本着相互合作的原 则,经友好协商,就委托方委托Allua Limited为上述项目(下称“本项目”)提供营销顾问服务的相关事 宜,达成如下条款,以兹共同遵守:

What do both parties agree to do? 双方责任及义务

By accepting the quotation and/or paying the deposit and/or any amount of the project fee, you confirm that you have the authority to accepting these terms on behalf of yourself, your company or your organisation. You’ll give us everything we need to complete the project as and when and in the format we need it. You’ll review our work, provide feedback and approval in a timely manner too. Deadlines work two ways, so you’ll also be bound by dates we set together. You also agree to stick to the payment schedule set out at the end of this contract.

Us: We will develop everything we’ve agreed with you and we’ll do it all in a professional and timely manner. We’ll endeavour to meet every deadline that’s set and on top of that.

委托方需授权予代理人签署此合同、洽谈条件、检视本项目成效及代表委托方联系一切有关事项之权限,代理人也需同意及确认拥有代委托方执行上述动作的权限。委托方需确保代理人会向Allua Limited 提供与本项目相关的文件及资料,亦需要在双方已同意的时限内提供建议于Allua Limited修改,以确保本项目的顺利展开。

Getting down to the nitty gritty产品服务细则

Design 设计

For the projects that we are hired to design the UI, we create designs iteratively and use predominantly Objective C, Java, HTML, CSS or other software and/or tools so we won’t waste time mocking up every template as a static visual. We may use static visuals to indicate a look-and-feel direction (colour, texture and typography.) We call that ‘design atmosphere.’ Client will be request to review and approve the design of the ‘design atmosphere’ and the key elements, once the design of the key elements and the ‘design atmosphere’ is approved and confirmed by client, we would proceed to programming and further amendment on the design will be at extra cost. Design of specific artworks like Company Logo, Characters or a very specific item is not included unless further specified.

Allua Limited会用Objective C, Java, HTML, CSS 或其他程式设计用户界面。在产品开发前会先把设计蓝图提交委托方修改,包括颜色、材质及字体。在设计蓝图得到委托方通过后,产品开发程序才会展开,之后对设计蓝图作出的任何修改将会有额外收费。合同列明以外设计和素材,如企业品牌商标和品牌字体,将不会包括在报价内,相关要求将会有额外收费。

Text content 文字编写

We’re not responsible for writing or inputting any text copy unless further specified. If you’d like us to write new content or input text for you, we can provide a separate estimate for that.

除非特别订明,Allua Limited将不会撰写任何文案或编辑任何文字。Allua Limited将对额外的文字编写要求提供额外报价。

Photographs 照片及图像

You should supply graphic files in an editable, vector digital format which are ready to be used in your project directly. You should supply photographs in a high resolution digital format. If you choose to buy stock photographs, we can suggest stock libraries. If you’d like us to search for photographs for you, we can provide a separate estimate for that.

委托方提供的图片格式需是矢量图或能方便修改的图像格式。图像需要有达到产品要求的解析度。Allua Limited将对额外的在线图像及素材购买提供额外报价。


The resources, software, programming languages, framework, back end system (CMS), way of programming, tools, plug-ins, equipment and hardware to be used in a project will be our sole decision. We may use third parties resources, talent, staff and software for a project. In the event that you have any specific requirements on these, please make sure we have specifically put in down in our proposal as it may vary the cost significantly.

在开发过程中Allua Limited将会全权决定投放的资源、程序和工具、设计语言、内容管理系统、插件、器材和硬件。Allua Limited也可能使用第三方资源、人力资源及软件。如委托方对制作方法有任何要求,请在拟定合约时提出。

Browser or Device testing 浏览器及操作平台测试

Browser and Device testing no longer means attempting to make an Application, a Website and/or a digital solution look the same in device of different capabilities or different size screens. We test our work in current versions of major desktop browsers or devices indicated in the browser and devices testing list. Client is advised to check with us for the latest list before starting a project. The work we developed will only support the browser and devices testing list. And for solutions that involve server, network connection and/or other third parties’ service, there will also be capability and/or specification requirements on these third parties’ service for the solution to work, client is advised to go check with our staff before starting the project regarding these requirements. There is a chance that modern web page and/ or other digital product design and effect is not capable to show in some browsers/devices and we won’t test in other browsers/devices unless you specify otherwise. If you need an enhanced design for specific browser/devices, we can provide a separate estimate for that.

浏览器及操作平台测试并不确保同一网络产品在不同平台浏览环境下仍能确保一致性。Allua Limited已列明会进行产品测试及开发的浏览器及操作平台,确保成品和测试平台互相兼容(联络我们取得测试平台资讯)。Allua Limited只会确保清单列出的平台运作正常,售后服务也只会限于这些平台。委托方同时需了解不同伺服器、网络设定及第三方程式的系统对该网络产品的要求。如委托方对平台测试方法有任何规定,请在拟定合约时提出。

Project Schedule and Timeline 项目时间规划

Standard time frame for User Acceptance Test of our product and/or service is one month unless further specified. Due to our limited resources, we appreciate our clients also can provide us with necessary feedback, project materials and settle required payment in a timely manner. In the event that our client is failed to do so, we reserve the right to terminate the project and we will bill you accordingly for the cost and loss accrued for such incidence.

For projects involves offline events or activities, such as event filming, we will not be held liable for outcome or cancellation of the service we provided due to weather conditions, power failure, equipment failure, absence/sickness of staff/talent or any other unforeseeable occurrences during the scheduled time of the service.

Allua Limited 就本项目提供的预算及计划表只能作参考之用,列明的所需时间并不会把代理人的反馈、确认、付款及本项目之修改时间列入考虑。产品及服务的用户验收测试的期限为一个月,如委托方未能在期限前反馈及付款,Allua Limited将保留单方面停止项目及向委托方追讨赔偿的权利。

任何牵涉线下活动的产品和服务,如活动摄影,Allua Limited将不会为天气因素、电力供应问题、技术性问题、人力不足及其他不能预测的因素导致的服务中断及取消附上任何责任。

Changes and revisions 产品及服务修订

We know from experience that fixed-price contracts are rarely beneficial to you, as they often limit you to your earliest ideas. We don’t want to limit your ability to change your mind. The price at the beginning of each quotation is based on the length of time we estimate we’ll need to accomplish everything you’ve told us you want to achieve, but we’re happy to be flexible. If you want to change your mind or add anything new, that won’t be a problem as we’ll provide a separate estimate for that.

合同列明之价钱由双方同意的制作时间的基准上计算得出。如委托方欲对制作期限或报价内容作出任何修改,Allua Limited将会对此提供额外报价。

Performance 项目表现

The e-marketing services are to be carried out on a consultancy basis based around current best practices so far as we are aware of those practices.

The performance of the e-marketing service including but not limited to KPIs, aims, targets, engagements, goals and sales transactions are for reference only. No increase in performance is guaranteed. Performance and/or reactions can be influenced by external factors like changes of the parameters of the platform where the e-marketing takes place and different reactions of the responders. There is also risk that the service of the platform where the e-marketing activities take place may terminate or change. And we will not guarantee the e-marketing activities can be approved and conducted in certain platform and will not be liable for any loss if the e-marketing service is not approved by the platform and/or the performance is inconsistent with the estimation. You are responsible for ensuring that they are capable of handling any increase in traffic that results from the Social Campaign. We may be unable to limit or control this traffic once the Social Campaign has begun.

For search engine campaign which we guarantee first page ranking, we would try our best to maintain your ad on the first page result at 95% of the time. In the event that client discovered that the ad is fall below first page, please capture your screen and send to us in 24 hours’ time. Once verified we would extend the campaign and make sure the 95% guarantee is met or we will refund the underperformed time on a pro rata basis. (e.g. If at the end of the campaign, 3 days are verified that the ad is not meeting the performance guarantee, 2 days’ cost will be refunded to client, i.e. 2/30 x cost break down of that particular keyword).

We will not be liable in respect of any changes to the account that have not been made by the us, including with respect to any budget or advertisement amendments. Paid Advertising is subject to exchange rate fluctuations beyond our control. This may lead to a variation in volume of advertising you receive.

Allua Limited以顾问身份参与规划及发展本项目,本项目采用的方法及技术将会是在合约拟定之时Allua Limited认为最适合的方案。

本项目关键绩效指标包括本项目在开发前厘定之目标、方向、政策和倾向,全部指标只做参考之用。Allua Limited并不会对任何成效做出保证。第三方网络平台有权随时终止推广,Allua Limited将不会对造成的损失附上任何责任。同时在推广进行期间及推广之后,委托方需要自行解决推广带来的销售流量增长。除特别要求,Allua Limited也不会对委托方现有的网上平台作压力测试,委托方需自行确保现有产品及平台的稳定性。

搜索引擎营销方面,Allua Limited会尽力令你广告在推广期内有95%的时间维持在首页。如委托方发现广告未有显示在首页,请截图及在24小时内发给Allua Limited。一旦得到确认,Allua Limited会延长推广期限直到达到95%时间首页显示的标准;或按比例按关键词退款予委托方。比如在这个月的推广期完结之时,有三天广告未能达到首页,在此情况下有两天的推广费会退还。

推广期间如因客户或第三方自行改变广告设定 (如预算及广告设计) 而蒙受损失,Allua Limited不会对此附上任何责任。广告成效也可能被浮动汇率所影响。

Third Parties’ Services & APIs 第三方服务

Modern digital solution do usually involves some third parties’ services & APIs, e.g. Payment Gateways, Server Providers, Internet Service Providers, Mobile Network Service Providers, Apple’s services, Google’s services and/or Facebook’s APIs, obviously we would not guarantee the service provided by third parties and will not be liable if the final product is affected by the changes, update or termination of the third parties’ services. And we will not guarantee the solution we developed can be launched in any Application Store or Service Providers.

本项目将会涉及由第三方软体开发的程序、服务及应用程序接口。如第三方软件或服务在本项目的开发过程中对自身产品有任何更新、修改或删除,Allua Limited将不会对此附上任何法律责任及赔偿本项目之相关金额损失。Allua Limited也不能保证方案在任何平台及服务商提供的运营环境下能顺利运作。

Warranty 保证条款

We do not provide warranty service and/or refund to our solution unless it’s further specified in the Quotation. For the projects we provide warranty service, the warranty period will begin in the day after the last day of UAT. Warranty will be provided in the form of e-mail support during office hour and will be limited to the issues arise within the browser and device testing list. Warranty will not cover services and/or solutions provided by other service providers includes server, network connection and APIs from other platforms, and the warranty will not cover issues arise related to the performance of these service and/or solutions.

In the event that our solution is modified or amended by client or other parties, the Warranty service will be forfeited and we will stop provide any further warranty service.

除非特别订明,Allua Limited的服务和产品并不会包括保证条款。保证条款将会在用户验收测试结束后开始生效。委托方可在Allua  Limited办公时间(星期一至五上午九时半至下午六时半(UTC/GMT +08:00))内以电邮取得关于浏览及移动平台问题的咨询。保证条款只对Allua Limited提供的产品及服务有效,亦不会对产品及服务的成效做任何保证。如Allua Limited提供的产品及服务被委托方或第三方自行修改,针对该产品及服务之保证条款便会失效。

Legal stuff 法律相关

We can’t guarantee that our work will be error-free especially for modern digital solutions which are expected to have malfunctions or bugs, so we can’t be liable to you or any third-party for damages, including lost profits, lost savings or other incidental, consequential or special damages, even if you’ve advised us of them. Finally, if any provision of this contract shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this contract and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

技术开发及网上营销涉及大量的程式编码及第三方软件/服务的应用,Allua Limited不能为本项目做出“零质量瑕疵”的承诺。对因未被告知、和在合同訂明的修改期里不存在的瑕疵造成之任何亏损,Allua Limited将不会对此附上任何法律责任及赔偿本项目之相关金额损失。

Copyrights 版权

First, you guarantee that all elements of text, images or other artwork you provide are either owned by your good selves, or that you’ve permission to use them.

Then, when your final payment has cleared, copyright will be automatically assigned as follows:

You’ll own the visual elements that we create for this project. We’ll give you finished files as required for each projects and you should keep them somewhere safe as we’re not required to keep a copy. You own all elements of text, images and data you provided, unless someone else owns them.

We’ll own the unique combination of these elements that constitutes a complete design and we’ll license its use to you, exclusively and in perpetuity for this project only, unless we agree otherwise.

We love to show off our work and share what we’ve learned with other people, so we reserve the right, to display and link to your company or your project as part of our portfolio and to write about it on websites, in magazine articles and in books. This may include Client/Company name and/or Company Logos, Production Name and extent of the work, Still Images or sometimes Video from the Production. However, we also respect that if you would like to keep the project confidential, please write to us if you do not want us to display the project.

委托方必须擁有其依本約提供Alllua Limited使用之所有授權內容之合法權源,並未侵害任何第三人之權利。在本项目最后结算后,以下项目之版权将会自动转移到委托方:

  1. 所有由Allua Limited为本项目设计之成品
  2. Allua Limited 将保留将此作品陈列及展示之权利


We’re sure you understand how important it is as a small business that you pay the invoices that we send you promptly. As we’re also sure you’ll want to stay friends, you agree to stick tight to the following payment schedule listed in the project details in the quotation. In the very unfortunate event that you pay late, interest will be charged at 19% p.a. calculated monthly on the amount outstanding. In case the payment has been outstanding for 30 days or more, we reserve the right to terminate the contract and we will bill you accordingly for the cost and loss accrued for such incidence.

Allua Limited的收费以固定费用方式收取,具体营销策划费用为本项目制定之货币单位及其数额。逾期款项将会被收取19%之年利率,委托方需按月费支付。如委托方在三十天内未能交付应缴款项,Allua Limited 将保留撤销此合约及向委托方追讨损失之权利。

But where’s all the horrible small print? 此合同之法律约束力

Just like a parking ticket, you can’t transfer our services and/or products to anyone else without our permission. These terms stays in place and need not be renewed. If for some reason one part of these terms becomes invalid or unenforceable, the remaining parts of it remain in place.

Although the language is simple, the intentions are serious and this contract is a legal document under exclusive jurisdiction of Hong Kong courts.


